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Musings & Muesli

Rhodiola Rosea vs Ashwagandha: Which One Is Best For You?

Rhodiola Rosea vs Ashwagandha: Which One Is Best For You?

It’s no secret that stress is inevitable for most people reading this article. And as you also probably already know, chronic stress can severely ...
Should You Take Ashwagandha For Muscle Growth And Bodybuilding?

Should You Take Ashwagandha For Muscle Growth or Bodybuilding?

Key Takeaways: Ashwagandha is a potent adaptogen with deep roots in Ayurvedic medicine. Over 300 studies vouch for its performance-enhancing and h...
The Best Ayurvedic Hair Oil For Natural Growth & Repair

Best Ayurvedic Hair Oils For Hair Growth, Grey Hair, Repair & More

Key Takeaways: Ayurvedic oils like bhringraj have been shown to promote hair growth, even outperforming conventional treatments in some studies. ...
Does Ashwagandha Help You Sleep?

Ashwagandha For Sleep: Can It Help With Insomnia?

There have been studies that have found that ashwagandha isn’t only believed to help us fall asleep, but it can help with sleep latency (falling asleep faster) and improve overall sleep quality.
Ashwagandha VS Ginseng VS Shilajit - Which Is Better?

Ashwagandha VS Ginseng VS Shilajit - Which Is Better?

Key Takeaways Ashwagandha: Improves sleep, reduces stress, boosts muscle growth, lowers blood sugar, potentially fights cancer, and enhances fert...
Is Ashwagandha An Adaptogen?

Is Ashwagandha An Adaptogen?

Key Takeaways Ashwagandha is a widely used adaptogenic herb with numerous benefits for both mental and physical health. It can be consumed in vari...
Can Ashwagandha Make You More Anxious?

Can Ashwagandha Cause Anxiety? How It Affects Cortisol

Key Takeaways: Ashwagandha helps reduce stress and anxiety by lowering cortisol levels. Adjusting dosage is crucial if experiencing anxiety while ...
Does Ashwagandha Have Side Effects?

Ashwagandha Side Effects and Interactions: How To Take It Safely

Key Takeaways Ashwagandha is generally safe when taken within the recommended dosage range of 300mg - 1500mg per day, but exceeding this may lead ...
Do I Take Ashwagandha In The Morning Or Night?

Do I Take Ashwagandha In The Morning Or Night?

Key Takeaways There's no specific best time for taking Ashwagandha; it can be consumed either in the morning or at night. Taking Ashwagandha in th...
Does Ashwagandha Improve Skin & Hair?

Ashwagandha Benefits for Hair Loss and Skin

Key Takeaways Ashwagandha aids in managing stress and anxiety by lowering cortisol levels. Lower cortisol levels promote skin health by allowing e...
Does Ashwagandha Need Black Pepper To Work?

Does Ashwagandha Need Black Pepper To Work?

Key Takeaways Ashwagandha doesn't require black pepper to function, but its addition enhances absorption and effectiveness. Black pepper's antio...
What Does Ashwagandha Do For The Body? The Key Benefits & Uses

10 Health Benefits of Taking Ashwagandha and Its Uses

Key Takeaways Ashwagandha may reduce stress and anxiety by lowering cortisol levels, potentially aiding in depression relief. It has shown promise...