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SuperFeast Turkey Tail Mushroom - [REVIEW]
SuperFeast Turkey Tail Mushroom - [REVIEW]
SuperFeast Turkey Tail Mushroom - [REVIEW]

SuperFeast Turkey Tail Mushroom - [REVIEW]


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SuperFeast Turkey Tail for super-charging immunity!:

Turkey Tail is renowned for its ability to support the immune system and help fight off nasty pathogens. Loaded with protein-bound polysaccharides PSK and PSP, this mushroom is packed with a bunch of amazing science-backed health benefits.

Read our review below to find out all about SuperFeast's Turkey Tail Powdered Extract and check out our ultimate guide to learn heaps more about Turkey Tail Mushroom in general!  

Buy SuperFeast Turkey Tail

yun Zhi Mushroom

SuperFeast Turkey Tail Mushroom Review by Darcy - Bircher Bar Founder & Owner:

Immune Support:

Turkey Tail for me is a great 'daily driver' to keep the immune system strong. I am prone to cold's & flu's, particularly through the colder months and have definitely noticed I'm far less susceptible when tsking this extract consistently. I prefer using the SuperFeast Turkey Tail mushroom extract powder as opposed to foraged Turkey Tail as it's much easier to get, much more concentrated (10:1 water extract) and is easier to use as well. 

The mushroom powder itself has quite a mild flavour, slightly bitter with some fruitiness. It doesn't alter the flavour of anything you mix it with a great deal (coffee, juice, smoothies etc.) but I most often use it to create a simple tonic tea, just stirring a 1/2 teaspoon in hot water with some honey to sweeten. I've posted a couple of easy recipes below.

Where Can I Buy Turkey Tail Mushroom?:

Click the big blue button at the top of this page or any of the banners to head directly to the SuperFeast website and make an order!

Before you do that, though...we have a special offer for our readers – all you need to do is join our email list and you'll receive a code for a minimum of 15% off your entire order with SuperFeast.

Alternatively, if you'd prefer to buy in person, you can head over to their website and search for your nearest stockist.

Buy SuperFeast Turkey Tail 

What is Turkey Tail Mushroom?:

Turkey Tail mushroom (Trametes versicolor or Coriolus versicolor) is one of the most researched and widely-used medicinal mushrooms on the planet. Named Turkey Tail for its striking colour features and fan-like structure, this mushroom can be found growing on trees and logs all around the world. Easily prepared as an edible medicinal mushroom, it is commonly foraged and used in cooking and simple tonic teas (Note: Make SURE you know what you're looking at when foraging wild mushrooms!).

Check out this great clip of Amelia from Live Free or Die about how to forage wild Turkey Tail and make a simple tea brew for two. 

What are the Health Benefits of Turkey Tail?:

Known as Yun Zhi in traditional Chinese medicine and 'Kawaratake' in Japan, Turkey Tail has been used throughout Asia for many centuries to boost vitality (Qi), treat infection and fight respiratory illnessAs one of the most important qi herbs available in TCM, you'll also find Turkey Tail present as one of the primary ingredients in SuperFeast's Qi Blend.

Many studies ranging from laboratory tests to human trials indicate that Turkey Tail is good for a wide range of ailments and health issues. Some of the best-researched health benefits include its ability to cultivate a robust immune system, repair damaged cells, reduce inflammation, support bone health, help tone the liver and improve gut health.

Modern science is beginning to shine some light on how Turkey Tail is so effective, identifying high levels of the protein-bound polysaccharides PSK and PSP which are thought to be the main active compounds. These compounds are thought to be primarily responsible for Turkey Tail's ability to elevate both surface and core immunity against dangerous pathogens and assist with damaged cell repair.

Turkey Tail and Cancer:

For over 30 years now, Turkey Tail, along with a number of other medicinal mushrooms such as ChagaReishi & Shiitake has been used in national cancer treatment programs throughout Japan and China. 

Through numerous laboratory tests, mechanistic studies and clinical trials, the active compounds PSP & PSK in Turkey Tail have been found to provide immune support, anti-tumour effects, stimulate cell repair and help combat the stress on the body experienced from radiation and chemotherapy.    

With more extensive studies and human trials always needed in this field, use so far in the treatment of gastric, colorectal, lung, prostate & breast cancer, in particular, have yielded positive results, mainly regarding increased immune function and survival rates.

Trametes Mushroom 

How to use Turkey Tail Mushroom Powder:

The most common way to use this mushroom, either freshly foraged or in powder form, is to make Turkey Tail tea (check out the video at the top of the page for a simple tea recipe using freshly foraged mushroom). we've put a couple of super simple 'go-to' recipes below for you to get started.

Turkey Tail Mushroom Recipes:

1.) Turkey Tail Mushroom Tea

This one is as easy as it gets but is a great way to use Turkey Tail. Simply combine in a mug and stir:

  • 1/2 a tsp of SuperFeast Turkey Tail powder
  • 1/2 a tsp of raw honey
  • 240ml of hot water
  • A knob of fresh sliced ginger if desired

2.) Turkey Tail Immunity Juice

Another simple way to bring together a number of potent immune-boosting tonics. Perfect for those hot days where tea really isn't an option!

  1. Combine 1/2 tsp each of SuperFeast Turkey Tail powder & SuperFeast Schizandra Berry powder in a large glass. Add a splash of hot water and stir to completely dissolve.
  2. In a citrus juicer - juice 1 mandarin & half a lime, pour into the glass. Juice 3 large oranges or however many are required to fill the rest of your glass. 
  3. Add ice and top with crushed mint.


Turkey Tail Mushroom Side Effects:

There have been no significant side effects reported from using the SuperFeast Turkey Tail mushroom powder, and Turkey Tail, on the whole, appears to be well recognised as a safe mushroom in appropriate doses. There have been reports of loose stools and nausea when taken in large quantities, so as always with new supplements, start out with a small dose and increase as you build a tolerance. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the TGA or FDA. If pregnant or breastfeeding please consult with your healthcare provider before adding these herbs to your diet.

Key Details:


Start with ¼ - ½ tsp daily. You can increase from here to 1 tsp daily over the course of a few weeks as your system adapts. Pay attention to your body. 


100% wild turkey tail mushroom fruiting body water extract powder.  Not irradiated. No added grains, fillers or starch. Sourced Di Tao from China's Changbai Mountains, produced in Australia. 
 | Gluten-Free | Paleo | Vegan |

Turkey Tail Mushroom


What is a medicinal mushroom?:

Medicinal mushrooms are a special type of fungi that are scientifically shown to have a wide range of benefits in the human body. From bringing balance and restoration to your immune system, boosting oxygen flow and enhancing your creative and mental acumen to regulating your blood sugar, reducing your stress levels and improving your quality of sleep, there's almost nothing medicinal fungi can't do.

Where do SuperFeast source their medicinal mushrooms?:

SuperFeast source all their medicinal mushrooms and tonic herbs from the pristine mountain regions of China and the surrounding area. SuperFeast follow the ancient Di Dao philosophy of sourcing their herbs straight from their spiritual homeland, ensuring all their products are made using the most potent and robust herbal extracts. 

When will I see results?:

There is no cut and dry answer for this question as everybody is unique. Some people may feel benefits immediately while for others it may take a couple of weeks to a month before they feel the shifts within their body. The most important thing with medicinal mushrooms is longevity and consistency as their potent medicinal benefits accumulate over time. SuperFeast recommends taking one or more of their products regularly for at least 30-100 days to really allow them to unfold in your system.

Customer Reviews:

With nothing but 5-star reviews across the board, don't just take our word for it, hear what some SuperFeast customers had to say about the awesome mushie that is Turkey Tail!

  • "As a first-time user of mushroom products, I was very impressed with the professional website and extremely fast postage. Awesome packaging and beautifully presented products. I am very happy with the noticeable improvement Turkey Tail has made to my life - I've been using it every day. I will definitely be ordering this product again from Superfeast! No doubt this is a genuine product that lives up to its claims. Thank you, Superfeast, for being the real deal and providing affordable plant medicine for humanity. Namaste." - Lachlan P.
  • "Wouldn't miss having turkey tail at the start of the day. Always mixed it with my morning coffee; blends well with no weird taste at all. It definitely gives me more lasting energy and endurance throughout the day." - Natasya S.
  • "Have been using it with Reishi after breast cancer treatment and the feeling is just great, I just wish I knew about these products before starting Chemo and Radiation. Thank you." - Marie M.


1) Teelixir Turkey Tail Mushroom

Teelixir is another one of my favourite suppliers of medicinal mushrooms. Their Turkey Tail powder is sourced following the same Di Dao philosophy as SuperFeast. With no added grains, starch, mycelium or fillers, I absolutely love this product!

2) Life Cykel Turkey Tail Mushroom Liquid Extract  

If you love Turkey Tail but are always on the go and find powders inconvenient, Life Cykel's Turkey Tail Liquid Extract might be the thing for you! All the incredible benefits in an easy-to-take bottle, simply drop some under your tongue on a morning and let it work its magic. 

3) SuperFeast Mason's Mushrooms

A super-blend of nourishing medicinal mushrooms hand-picked to support immunity, gut health, hormonal function and the nervous system, SuperFeast Mason's Mushrooms go hand-in-hand with their Turkey Tail to create immune magic.

Buy SuperFeast Turkey Tail

SuperFeast Turkey Tail for super-charging immunity!:

Turkey Tail is renowned for its ability to support the immune system and help fight off nasty pathogens. Loaded with protein-bound polysaccharides PSK and PSP, this mushroom is packed with a bunch of amazing science-backed health benefits.

Read our review below to find out all about SuperFeast's Turkey Tail Powdered Extract and check out our ultimate guide to learn heaps more about Turkey Tail Mushroom in general!  

Buy SuperFeast Turkey Tail

yun Zhi Mushroom

SuperFeast Turkey Tail Mushroom Review by Darcy - Bircher Bar Founder & Owner:

Immune Support:

Turkey Tail for me is a great 'daily driver' to keep the immune system strong. I am prone to cold's & flu's, particularly through the colder months and have definitely noticed I'm far less susceptible when tsking this extract consistently. I prefer using the SuperFeast Turkey Tail mushroom extract powder as opposed to foraged Turkey Tail as it's much easier to get, much more concentrated (10:1 water extract) and is easier to use as well. 

The mushroom powder itself has quite a mild flavour, slightly bitter with some fruitiness. It doesn't alter the flavour of anything you mix it with a great deal (coffee, juice, smoothies etc.) but I most often use it to create a simple tonic tea, just stirring a 1/2 teaspoon in hot water with some honey to sweeten. I've posted a couple of easy recipes below.

Where Can I Buy Turkey Tail Mushroom?:

Click the big blue button at the top of this page or any of the banners to head directly to the SuperFeast website and make an order!

Before you do that, though...we have a special offer for our readers – all you need to do is join our email list and you'll receive a code for a minimum of 15% off your entire order with SuperFeast.

Alternatively, if you'd prefer to buy in person, you can head over to their website and search for your nearest stockist.

Buy SuperFeast Turkey Tail 

What is Turkey Tail Mushroom?:

Turkey Tail mushroom (Trametes versicolor or Coriolus versicolor) is one of the most researched and widely-used medicinal mushrooms on the planet. Named Turkey Tail for its striking colour features and fan-like structure, this mushroom can be found growing on trees and logs all around the world. Easily prepared as an edible medicinal mushroom, it is commonly foraged and used in cooking and simple tonic teas (Note: Make SURE you know what you're looking at when foraging wild mushrooms!).

Check out this great clip of Amelia from Live Free or Die about how to forage wild Turkey Tail and make a simple tea brew for two. 

What are the Health Benefits of Turkey Tail?:

Known as Yun Zhi in traditional Chinese medicine and 'Kawaratake' in Japan, Turkey Tail has been used throughout Asia for many centuries to boost vitality (Qi), treat infection and fight respiratory illnessAs one of the most important qi herbs available in TCM, you'll also find Turkey Tail present as one of the primary ingredients in SuperFeast's Qi Blend.

Many studies ranging from laboratory tests to human trials indicate that Turkey Tail is good for a wide range of ailments and health issues. Some of the best-researched health benefits include its ability to cultivate a robust immune system, repair damaged cells, reduce inflammation, support bone health, help tone the liver and improve gut health.

Modern science is beginning to shine some light on how Turkey Tail is so effective, identifying high levels of the protein-bound polysaccharides PSK and PSP which are thought to be the main active compounds. These compounds are thought to be primarily responsible for Turkey Tail's ability to elevate both surface and core immunity against dangerous pathogens and assist with damaged cell repair.

Turkey Tail and Cancer:

For over 30 years now, Turkey Tail, along with a number of other medicinal mushrooms such as ChagaReishi & Shiitake has been used in national cancer treatment programs throughout Japan and China. 

Through numerous laboratory tests, mechanistic studies and clinical trials, the active compounds PSP & PSK in Turkey Tail have been found to provide immune support, anti-tumour effects, stimulate cell repair and help combat the stress on the body experienced from radiation and chemotherapy.    

With more extensive studies and human trials always needed in this field, use so far in the treatment of gastric, colorectal, lung, prostate & breast cancer, in particular, have yielded positive results, mainly regarding increased immune function and survival rates.

Trametes Mushroom 

How to use Turkey Tail Mushroom Powder:

The most common way to use this mushroom, either freshly foraged or in powder form, is to make Turkey Tail tea (check out the video at the top of the page for a simple tea recipe using freshly foraged mushroom). we've put a couple of super simple 'go-to' recipes below for you to get started.

Turkey Tail Mushroom Recipes:

1.) Turkey Tail Mushroom Tea

This one is as easy as it gets but is a great way to use Turkey Tail. Simply combine in a mug and stir:

  • 1/2 a tsp of SuperFeast Turkey Tail powder
  • 1/2 a tsp of raw honey
  • 240ml of hot water
  • A knob of fresh sliced ginger if desired

2.) Turkey Tail Immunity Juice

Another simple way to bring together a number of potent immune-boosting tonics. Perfect for those hot days where tea really isn't an option!

  1. Combine 1/2 tsp each of SuperFeast Turkey Tail powder & SuperFeast Schizandra Berry powder in a large glass. Add a splash of hot water and stir to completely dissolve.
  2. In a citrus juicer - juice 1 mandarin & half a lime, pour into the glass. Juice 3 large oranges or however many are required to fill the rest of your glass. 
  3. Add ice and top with crushed mint.


Turkey Tail Mushroom Side Effects:

There have been no significant side effects reported from using the SuperFeast Turkey Tail mushroom powder, and Turkey Tail, on the whole, appears to be well recognised as a safe mushroom in appropriate doses. There have been reports of loose stools and nausea when taken in large quantities, so as always with new supplements, start out with a small dose and increase as you build a tolerance. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the TGA or FDA. If pregnant or breastfeeding please consult with your healthcare provider before adding these herbs to your diet.

Key Details:


Start with ¼ - ½ tsp daily. You can increase from here to 1 tsp daily over the course of a few weeks as your system adapts. Pay attention to your body. 


100% wild turkey tail mushroom fruiting body water extract powder.  Not irradiated. No added grains, fillers or starch. Sourced Di Tao from China's Changbai Mountains, produced in Australia. 
 | Gluten-Free | Paleo | Vegan |

Turkey Tail Mushroom


What is a medicinal mushroom?:

Medicinal mushrooms are a special type of fungi that are scientifically shown to have a wide range of benefits in the human body. From bringing balance and restoration to your immune system, boosting oxygen flow and enhancing your creative and mental acumen to regulating your blood sugar, reducing your stress levels and improving your quality of sleep, there's almost nothing medicinal fungi can't do.

Where do SuperFeast source their medicinal mushrooms?:

SuperFeast source all their medicinal mushrooms and tonic herbs from the pristine mountain regions of China and the surrounding area. SuperFeast follow the ancient Di Dao philosophy of sourcing their herbs straight from their spiritual homeland, ensuring all their products are made using the most potent and robust herbal extracts. 

When will I see results?:

There is no cut and dry answer for this question as everybody is unique. Some people may feel benefits immediately while for others it may take a couple of weeks to a month before they feel the shifts within their body. The most important thing with medicinal mushrooms is longevity and consistency as their potent medicinal benefits accumulate over time. SuperFeast recommends taking one or more of their products regularly for at least 30-100 days to really allow them to unfold in your system.

Customer Reviews:

With nothing but 5-star reviews across the board, don't just take our word for it, hear what some SuperFeast customers had to say about the awesome mushie that is Turkey Tail!

  • "As a first-time user of mushroom products, I was very impressed with the professional website and extremely fast postage. Awesome packaging and beautifully presented products. I am very happy with the noticeable improvement Turkey Tail has made to my life - I've been using it every day. I will definitely be ordering this product again from Superfeast! No doubt this is a genuine product that lives up to its claims. Thank you, Superfeast, for being the real deal and providing affordable plant medicine for humanity. Namaste." - Lachlan P.
  • "Wouldn't miss having turkey tail at the start of the day. Always mixed it with my morning coffee; blends well with no weird taste at all. It definitely gives me more lasting energy and endurance throughout the day." - Natasya S.
  • "Have been using it with Reishi after breast cancer treatment and the feeling is just great, I just wish I knew about these products before starting Chemo and Radiation. Thank you." - Marie M.


1) Teelixir Turkey Tail Mushroom

Teelixir is another one of my favourite suppliers of medicinal mushrooms. Their Turkey Tail powder is sourced following the same Di Dao philosophy as SuperFeast. With no added grains, starch, mycelium or fillers, I absolutely love this product!

2) Life Cykel Turkey Tail Mushroom Liquid Extract  

If you love Turkey Tail but are always on the go and find powders inconvenient, Life Cykel's Turkey Tail Liquid Extract might be the thing for you! All the incredible benefits in an easy-to-take bottle, simply drop some under your tongue on a morning and let it work its magic. 

3) SuperFeast Mason's Mushrooms

A super-blend of nourishing medicinal mushrooms hand-picked to support immunity, gut health, hormonal function and the nervous system, SuperFeast Mason's Mushrooms go hand-in-hand with their Turkey Tail to create immune magic.

Buy SuperFeast Turkey Tail

Darcy Ogdon-Nolan

Holding a Bachelor Of Science (Hons.) combined with close to a decade now in the health food and wellness industry, I believe I'm uniquely positioned to provide a depth of knowledge and first-hand experience on emerging health products, trends and ideas! From greens powders and medicinal mushrooms through to protein powders and workout nutrition - I'm particularly interested in what modern science can uncover about what human cultures have been using to treat ailments for millennia!