PRODUCT OF THE MONTH!---------------- AG1 Athletic Greens - Australian Review: Pros, Cons, Price, & Taste

Musings & Muesli

Maca Root Side Effects (Plus Health Benefits and Dosage)

Maca Root Side Effects (Plus Health Benefits and Dosage)

Key Takeaways Side Effects: Digestive issues, hormonal changes, menstrual cycle changes, sleep disruptions, allergic reactions, and interactions...
Can You Put Maca in Coffee? How It Differs from Maca Coffee

What Is Maca Coffee? | Benefits, Side Effects & How To Make It

Ever heard of maca? Or maca coffee? If you haven’t, you’re not alone. Maca is one of the latest adaptogenic wonder plants to gain popularity in re...
Ashwagandha vs Maca Root: The Benefits Of Taking Them Together

Maca Root and Ashwagandha: Benefits of Taking Them Together

Key Takeaways: Ashwagandha and maca root are traditional adaptogens with stress, fatigue, and libido-enhancing benefits. Ashwagandha offers hormon...
Does Maca Root Powder Cause Weight Gain?

Does Maca Root Powder Cause Weight Gain?

Maca root is a natural aphrodisiac with a history that goes back to the early days of human civilization. For centuries, people have been using Mac...