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  1. The 6 Best Turmeric Supplements & Curcumin Capsules You Can Buy Derived from the Curcuma longa plant, turmeric is a brilliant yellow spice used in Indian cuisine. Closely related to ginger, the turmeric we eat comes from the stem-like roots of the plant, called rhizomes. Turmeric’s absorption is greatly improved when combined with black pepper, so supplements that combine the two or include piperine (black pepper’s active compound) are easier for your body to absorb for maximum effectiveness. Turmeric is fat-soluble, which means it is best absorbed when c...
  2. Turmeric Dosage: How Much Turmeric Per Day Should You Take? For over 3,000 years, turmeric has been used as much more than just as a spice. This incredible compound has also been used in holistic medicine and is reported to have an abundance of health benefits and therapeutic effects. Now, different turmeric products, including turmeric capsules and tinctures, are widely available, with thousands of people now using it as a staple to support their general well-being. Like all alternative medicines, though, knowing how to take turmeric can be confusin...
  3. Turmeric Before Bed: Tips to Try to Unlock Better Sleep For some of us, drifting off to the land of nod is no small feat. If tossing, turning, and overthinking have become a routine part of your bedtime experience, it may be time to consider taking a sleep aid. While most insomniacs would head straight for the sleeping pills, there is another, perhaps unlikely, supplement that may improve your sleep quality - turmeric. With almost one in three of us struggling to fall asleep at night, there’s an increasing demand for safe, effective, practical su...
  4. Does Turmeric Lower Blood Pressure? Curcumin And Hypertension According to the CDC, a staggering 47% of Americans have high blood pressure. That’s around 116 million people. In an age where many of us are looking to improve our health and keep fit, the popularity of herbal remedies such as turmeric is on the rise. The health benefits of turmeric and its active compound curcumin are no secret, and these curcuminoids are widely available in many forms, with claims to alleviate symptoms of various illnesses and even prevent more serious diseases like canc...
  5. Turmeric For Weight Loss: Does It Actually Help? With obesity rates climbing, many of us are looking for new ways to shed stubborn fat and get in shape. Some believe that turmeric can be used to promote weight loss, but is there any truth to this, and should you invest in the supplements for yourself? What Is Turmeric? Turmeric is a spice that’s derived from the roots of the Curcuma longa plant. Turmeric spice is a common household name, and you’ll find it on almost every kitchen rack in every home. A versatile spice with a vibrant hue, tu...
  6. Side Effects Of Too Much Turmeric & Curcumin Turmeric is more than just your standard spice rack staple. For thousands of years, it has been used as a treatment in Chinese and Asian medicine, and its most active compound curcumin is said to hold all the power. While you may not get all of turmerics' purported health benefits from a single serving of curry, this impressive spice may work wonders for your health when taken in other forms. If you’ve been considering adding a turmeric or curcumin supplement to your daily diet, it’s imp...
  7. Curcumin Vs. Turmeric: What’s the Difference and Which Should You Take? On a quest for better health? If you’re trying to weigh up the pros and cons of curcumin vs turmeric, we’re here to help. In this article, we’ll walk you through the key differences, health benefits, and more of this ayurvedic medicine, so you can decide which supplement you should be taking. Is Curcumin the Same as Turmeric? No, turmeric and curcumin are not the same thing. Turmeric is the plant and root from which curcumin is extracted. While turmeric does contain curcumin, it also contain...
  8. How to Take Turmeric: A Look at the Most Effective Dosing Methods “What is the best way to take turmeric? This is a question we hear a lot, and it’s understandable. Curcuma longa or turmeric is most commonly known as the key ingredient for most Middle Eastern and South Asian dishes. So if you’re unfamiliar with its potential health benefits, you may just know it as the spice that makes your curry yellow. However, as turmeric's popularity as an Ayurvedic herb and a health supplement grows, many are wondering how best to take this spice. Will simply addi...
  9. Discovering the Benefits: Is Turmeric Good for Acid Reflux Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll know that turmeric is more than just a spice. This powerful cupboard staple has also been used to treat many diseases and ailments for thousands of years. Some claim it can treat anything from digestive and stomach issues to neurodegenerative conditions. As more research is performed into the power of turmeric, the more we discover that there may be some truth to these claims. There’s even some anecdotal evidence to suggest that turmeric may all...
  10. How Long Does It Take for Turmeric to Work? Whether you’re looking to improve your inflammation, alleviate joint pain, or clear up your skin, turmeric may have piqued your interest. This spice has been used for centuries as an infamous curry ingredient and as traditional medicine, which is said to possess several health benefits. Most of these benefits are thought to be offered by turmerics' primary compound, curcumin. If you’ve hopped on the turmeric bandwagon, there’s a good chance you’ve invested in some turmeric extracts, shot...
  11. 20 Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin According to Science Turmeric and its active ingredient, curcumin, have long been considered an effective herbal treatment for many ailments and diseases. For thousands of years, its benefits have been celebrated, and more of us than ever before are taking an interest in this supplement, even tagging turmeric as a “superfood.” In this article, we’ll explore the science behind the impressive selection of health benefits of turmeric and see whether it's something you should be using in your day-to-day routine....
  12. 7 of the Best Herbs for Liver Health, Repair, Detox, and Support The liver is one of the most important organs in your body. It helps remove toxins, processes the nutrients in the food you eat, and also helps regulate your body's metabolism. But 1 in 3 Australian adults are affected by liver disease, according to the Liver Foundation. The good news is clinical research indicates certain herbs can help in repairing and supporting the liver and maintaining optimal liver health. It's important to recognize that eating herbs alone will not rehabilitate...
  13. Which Tea Has the Most Caffeine? Many people use caffeine to help them wake up or stay alert and focused throughout the day. In fact, caffeine is one of the most-consumed dietary ingredients worldwide, with a good 80% of the population consuming at least one-caffeinated product daily. In this article, we cover teas that have the highest caffeine content and their benefits. We also cover safe dosages and the side effects of caffeine you need to be aware of. We'll also tell you which tea has the highest caffeine content o...
  14. The 8 Best Natural Coffee & Caffeine Alternatives For A Quick Energy Boost Tea and coffee are some of the most popular beverages in the world, second only to water. They help wake you up first thing in the morning and keep you energized throughout the day because of that magical ingredient called caffeine. But not everyone takes to caffeine as effortlessly. If you're looking for friendlier caffeine alternatives that can give you the same benefits of increased energy and alertness minus the jitters, we've got you covered! In this article, we'll cover the ...
  15. The Top 5 Best Ashwagandha Supplements Money Can Buy Ashwagandha has been used in Ayurvedic medicine culture for thousands of years now and with the backing of modern science, many contemporary people are turning to it to help improve their mental and physical health, improve their quality of life, and slow the ageing process. There are now many different ashwagandha supplements on the market to cater for this increased demand, however, they are not all created equally and there are a number of things to consider before choosing a brand in our...
  16. What Is Red Pine Needle Oil Good For? Red pine needle oil has been a popular alternative medicine for over 4,000 years now. The red pine needle trees grow in their native mountainous regions of Korea and Japan, where the needles are then harvested and cooked down into the oil. Red pine needle oil is thought to support brain function, improve immunity, support hair health, reduce inflammation, and much more. These purported health benefits are what have maintained red pine needle oil's reputation in oriental medicine and now ...